So about one year and two days ago I was in Colorado with two of my best friends,
Stef and Jill at a Young Life training conference. There was this rule in training that if your cell phone went off in class then you had to stand up on your chair and sing a song for 60 seconds. I LOVE karaoke, but in a room with 200
YL people is not a good karaoke audience, especially if its
acapella. So Stef, being the awesome friend that she is, stole my phone FROM MY HOTEL ROOM, put my ringer on high, planted the phone in my coat poacket and called my phone in the middle of class. I turned it off fast enough the first time, almost threw up cause I got so nervous, then reamed Stef after class. Too bad the next day she did it again, but hid my phone so I couldn't turn it off fast enough. She's awesome. So I look like an idiot trying to get her to stand up and sing with me while she's like, What? It's not my phone. I didn't know what to do.
Last night I was watching the Super Bowl with some great friends and I started thinking about where I was a year ago watching the best game ever :) I was in an airport on the way home from Colorado, not even thinking about moving. I was set in staying in Altoona for 4 years and this year would have been my fourth. But Im in Cincy. I love it. I love my life. I love my friends, I love my job, I love my life.
I miss Altoona. I miss the girlies, I miss sharing a large diet Coke at the movies, I miss belting out Kelly, I miss Lucky dog, I miss planning for club and screaming browneyed girl with a bunch of high schoolers. I miss that.
Life is so funny. If you asked me a year and 2 days ago where I would have been I wouldn't have said Cincy. That happened later.
I was eating dinner tonight with my Mexican buddy Sarah and we were discussing why I moved here. Its sort of weird cause it was out of the blue and somewhat random but its what I felt was right.
I just can't imagine not knowing or not loving or not wanting to hang out every second with my friends that can fly planes, or my friends that run lots of miles, or my friends that can't drive, or my friends that speak such truth in my life, or my friends that have sick pix msgs sent to me and that I visit Alfredo with, or my friends that have CUTE kids and awesome aunts, or my friends with great hair that moved, or my friends with great hair that didn't move, or my friends who I just love. I wouldn't trade that for the world.
I love that I have gotten to go to high school with amazing people, lived and loved with amazing people in college, worked at the most beautiful place on the planet over one summer, lived in LaToona and made some of the best friends of life, and now it just stays awesome.
I love how well God knows me. Lots can happen in a year.