Just know that lots will be coming about Colombia, but there is a LOT of processing that needs to happen and I'm sort of in a refusal mode of allowing that to happen.
I'm not quite sure what that is about.
I feel like my life in Cincinnati thus far has been a year of protection. I'm not quite sure why or where that all started from, but it has been a year of me putting up walls, not allowing myself to feel things and in turn making me miss out on life.
I dont know if its fully a defense I have to not get hurt or a reaction to something else or just life happening but it's something.
I get to go away this weekend to one of my faveorite places on earth. Things keep coming up that I want to do, but I am standing firm and making myself leave. It will definitely be a weekend full of reading, journaling (which I dont love) and processing in my long car ride.
There will definitely be Harry Potter because I need to have some sort of avoidance as well. I wouldn't be me without distraction. Im just praying that I can pull myself into real time with Jesus and let him transform me or atleast begin to do some stuff in my heart.