I forgot to pull my emergency brake and my car decided to roll down the parking lot and hit other cars.
I started crying to the tow truck man.
I cried in front of my kids and they are all freaking out
I need to get married.
I started crying to the tow truck man.
I cried in front of my kids and they are all freaking out
I need to get married.
At 10:52 AM, Bragg said…
getting married isn't going to help you solve the parking break problem.
getting married isn't going to stop the crying in front of others problem.
getting married isn't going to stop the simple "I forgot..."
getting married isn't going to do much to change your self esteem.
getting married doesn't solve problems.
getting married only adds problems. you may have a partner to deal with problems, but they don't magically disappear. they don't go away.
and for the record, this isn't exactly a way to proposition a guy... :)
At 10:55 AM, Liz said…
jana, what can i do to help? call me if you need a ride anywhere, i am done with work at 1pm today
At 11:06 AM, jmjana said…
well thanks for that bragg!
i said taht cause I want someone else to just deal with my problems. give me emotional problems any day - not car problems ;)
liz, i think im fine
i dont know
im just i dont know alll day today!
At 12:17 PM, Annie Michael Murphy said…
i think you should clarify that it wasn't you but your co-worker who didn't pull up your e brake.
At 7:14 PM, sheplaysamartin said…
it's probably a case of wanting other problems to deal with. i'd much rather deal with a guy's forgetting to use his parking brake than my forgetting. :)
there are one or two pretty significant problems that getting married could at least help resolve, though. i'll leave it to your imagination... :)
everything in its right time and right place, jana. that's what i have to tell myself (pretty regularly, too)...
At 10:19 PM, Anonymous said…
i think that your expression of desire to not be in life alone is amazing... and no offense bragg but it kind of pisses me off that you smashed that for her- even if it was with a hint of jokingness... im sorry jana that stuff happened... im sorry that those last two posts are right next to each other- why does life always feel like such a paradox! :( sorry
At 10:42 PM, jmjana said…
stef...thanks for the backup and thoughts
bragg...i still love you
candyce...thanks for your thoughts
and i kinda feel bad cause the wanting to be married thing wasn't the point of that post...it was an afterthought to be funny...
so i think im ok
i got a free rental car today
At 11:04 PM, Bragg said…
stef, I'm sorry you were pissed off by my comment. I truly am.
I hope, however, that you can see that getting married doesn't solve problems. If you're having a bad day, or have a bad experience, I understand that having a partner is helpful. I understand that having someone at home to comfort you is good.
But if you're not able to deal with this stuff on your own, then maybe being in a relationship isn't the best idea. I don't know, we're all a bunch of single people (dating or not) discussing this. Let's hear from married people.
Is marriage the answer? Is marriage a problem solver? Do we take it as lightly as this? Or do we need to actually understand the complexities of being in a long term, committed relationship before throwing it around as a cure all?
At 11:39 PM, Anonymous said…
bragg- i dont think that marriage is a solve all but i do not think we are designed to deal with stuff on our own... so i guess i was hearing you say in your post, "jana, quit wanting other people to help you, they will just bring more problems, deal with it on your own" while i agree that relationships are hard- it is no reason not to enter into them, and be in the problems of life together.
At 11:52 PM, Bragg said…
If we don't have the ability to deal with problems on our own, then why would we assume that someone else will be able to deal with them?
What I'm hearing you say is, being married brings happiness. Happiness in the form that menial, stupid problems like an accident are solved easier.
I just hate people saying that marriage is the answer to rough days. It's not.
At 12:21 AM, Anonymous said…
i guess im not sure how you could be hearing me say that... not sure how i could better say what ive said above... thats the joy of the "blog comment" world
At 12:30 AM, Bragg said…
And I don't know how better to say that marriage is isn't about working through problems. If you're getting married because you need someone else to go through problems with, then I seriously hope this is something that is brought up in pre-marital counseling. Otherwise, you'll be awakening from some disillusioned grandeur of being wed, only it will come when things really matter and you'll wish you were only talking about working through a car accident.
At 9:24 AM, jmjana said…
bragg i think stef would more than agree with you
i think that's the point
and i would too
i am no where near being disillusioned enough to think that marriage is problem free - and i also know that the grass isn't always greener on the other side
thanks for your thoughts :)
At 9:56 AM, Marsha said…
I get you Jana.
I get you Bragg.
I'm kinda thinkin' that Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus strikes again.
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