i feel like...

Sunday, October 01, 2006


I have got some SERIOUS significance issues. Like beyond serious. It's actually extermely ridiculous. I get a huge complex when people dont freak out in excitement when they see me. I have huge problems if someone doesn't beg me to come hang out with them. If someone says to me, dont worry about it if you can't come, I feel like they are saying don't come at all. I feel like if I go visit Altoona and people dont ring my phone off the hook, my life didn't really matter there.
When I was in fourth grade I had like one friend. When I started fifth grade I decided I was going to become the coolest kid in school. So I kissed EVERYONE'S butt. I did anything anyone ever asked me to do...I told everyone how awesome they were...I became the definition of a people pleaser. This continued on until I became known as the nicest girl in school and prided myself on having zero enemies. It was my life goal to become an ultra - and then I wanted to become better than an ultra - someone who is friends with all people and isn't too cool for anyone. It is ridiculous. And it is this ridiculous cycle that plays out STILL. Im going to be 26 in like a day. Its ridiculous that I haven't figured out someway to let the way other people view me not affect me. I guess it's always going to some what affect me, but I dont want it to control me. I dont want it to define who I am. Because it's crap. I freak when people analyze me (ask Fuller)...I freak when I feel like people are thinking things about me when they aren't - its just some made up weird thing in my head...I hate that I over analyze EVERYTHING that there is to analyze. It is ridiculous, controlling and such a waste of energy and emotion. Even when you're the coolest girl in school - you're still not satisfied, you're still not happy. All that drives my life is this significance problem...it drives who Im friends with...it drives my occupation...where I live...what I do on a Tuesday night...EVERYTHING
In college, this was my biggest struggle and I feel like its going to be until I die. Someone gave me a verse in Psalms that I have clung to for so long..."God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever..." Why do I allow myself to not feel that sometimes? Why do I allow myself to fall into the trap of questioning everything and everyone? Why do I always want more and why is it ALWAYS about me?


  • At 9:22 AM, Blogger ylmurph said…

    I feel like you and I had this conversation a few years ago...and you thought I was crazy

  • At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You're the greatest friend I've ever had. I don't know a better one. No one even close.
    And I don't feel like you just try to please me??
    I feel like you genuinely care for people.
    I think you can be a huge people pleaser to the people that don't know the real you yet, but realize that the people that know the real you love you so much and think you're just great. If that makes any sense to you. It is so so hard to find our significance only in Christ...so hard. I think that will ALWAYS be a constant struggle of mine too.
    If you came to MI I'd call your phone every second and have to be with you 24/7.

  • At 10:30 AM, Blogger jmjana said…

    sean. when did we have this conversation and why the crap did i disagree with you
    that must have been the time in my life that i listened to you about nothing aka my dating life
    next time say...jana you always say ok but are you really listening...and like hold me down or something
    i LOVE that you wrote minks and i love you more
    i didn't know you read blogs still...oh wait..you're not working today - slacker

  • At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Read Genesis 1 and Psalm 8.

    You want significance because you were created for glory. So, wanting that glory isn't bad - it's the beginning of becoming who you were made to be.

    The trick is just finding that glory in the right place.

  • At 8:25 AM, Blogger Peggy Murphy said…

    MORE than half of all the women in the world have your same "affliction"..
    ALL men have self-absorbency to one degree or another...maybe they have to because they were born "hunters & gatherers"?...

    It's better to want to please people than to shove them out of the way so...don't worry.. your heart is intact.

    I read somewhere that when one gets too into themselves, they should write 3 thank you notes a day ~ to anyone...and you don't even need to send them. It's an exercise that gets one out of their own obsession.

    You're cool

  • At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    For what it's worth, though you may feel the need to please everyone which leaves you pulled in 100 directions, each time I have spent time with you, you never really show that struggle. You are sincere, genuine and totally in the moment (or you do a good job hiding your boredom:) lol) every time I have been around you, whether it's just you and me or a group of people. That is awesome and something I strive for.

    ps. did you do your reading???

  • At 9:03 PM, Blogger Peggy Murphy said…

    When the heck are you gonna post again? I look forward to your

  • At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I freak out in excitement when I see you...


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