i feel like...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

boys and girls

Boys and girls are so different. SO different. And the older I get the more I realize how different we are.

The other day I was saying to someone, I dont think we're really that different. I told the person that I think I sort of get guys and I think that I can explain myself and women in general to a guy.


That might be the most ridiculous statement I have ever made. I am starting to be ok with not knowing. I think that's part of the fun of life. But I also want to sort of know. I just wonder if we can.

One of the things that I LOVE about God is we can see him in a man and in a woman. I think this is my motivation for wanting to understand men. There are parts of a man that show parts of God for who he is. There are parts of a woman that show a different face of God. I want to know both. But can I? Outside of heaven...outside of marriage can I know both sides?

And how the heck does all that work?


  • At 10:50 PM, Blogger stef shaffer said…

    good thoughts friend. i would say no way can we fully understand the other gender- or the same gender- or any other person this side of heaven. i dont think we will let each other. but i think trying is the whole point.

  • At 11:16 PM, Blogger Steve Fuller said…

    What's the fun in understanding the opposite sex? A little mystery is a good thing.

    All I need to know is that girls don't have penises. And they smell pretty. And they make my tummy feel funny. And they make me want to not be such a jerk. But mostly, they don't have penises.

  • At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My friend, Jay, always says:

    "Girls are hard to understand. But they're soft, and they smell nice."

    Jay is a wise man.


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