i feel like...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

jr. high

God's really good - really great night and I'm actually not tired - I think I am just SO glad that it's over because I have been having anxiety over that day/night since January.

I hung out with a kid who I swear has some sort of psychoism. Is that a word? Werirdest kid I've ever met - ever - hands down. Made the night VERY interesting though - Picture prozac on crack and you've got the kid in mind :)

Oh how I love junior high. We were never that weird and awkward were we?
Thanks for loving


  • At 12:17 AM, Blogger Daniel Kalbach said…

    If I ever feel my life somehow lacks exclamation points or smiley faces, I know where I'm coming.

    Some days I wish I had more smiley face moments or things to exclaim.

    Yay for Jana! :) hehe

  • At 9:18 AM, Blogger ylmurph said…

    Any of these h.s. or Jr. High folks know about this blog?

  • At 10:06 AM, Blogger jmjana said…

    dan, you are a punk...what is funny is the other day i was like, dang someone might read this and think i am kind of valley girlish or one of those annoyinging happy people that dot their i's with hearts :)

    sean, like a kid knows about the blog and junior high kids only like myspace. i try to be sensitive to that, but thanks for the reminder


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