i feel like...

Sunday, July 16, 2006


why is saturday night live not really that funny anymore?
it makes me sad - i need harry carey, chris farley and the lovers


  • At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think SNL is still funny.

    Adam Samburg (sp?) is hilarious.

    Then again, I TIVO it, so I don't bother with stuff that isn't funny... so all I actually watch is the funny stuff.

  • At 12:32 AM, Blogger sheplaysamartin said…

    i loved snl last night, actually (though it was a rerun)... yeah, some of the sketches are hit or miss these days. even the 'weekend update' (which is usually my favorite part) is pretty hit or miss. but there's some funny stuff. the thing horatio sanz did impersonating a sheik from dubai was killer. i also enjoyed the sketch with the guy 'ordering sushi like a ceo.' i like the recurring sketch with the ditzy-demanding couple. (the guy always asks, 'what do you think, babe?' and she makes some weird request, like asking for ginger ale at a travel agency. and the sketch closes with her saying, 'he looked like a rabbit.' you'd probably have to see it, but i think it's hilarious.)

    admittedly, there are some sketches these days that are just weird. but don't let that detract from the funny stuff... :)

  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger ylmurph said…

    I'm with Mike on the Adam Samburg is hilarious deal...in fact there are three great new "featured players" - they're the up and coming new folks
    There's the girl who could be Kristen Robbin's doppelganger - Kristen Wiig
    Samburg and Jason Sudeikis (he does the a-holes skit with Kristen...and I think it's beautiful)

    they just need to replace Finness, Horatio and Kenan

  • At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am gonna show my age here, but nothing can ever come close to SNL with Steve Martin, Gilda Radner, Chevy Chase and Jane Curtain (sp?). It never has and never will be as funny.

  • At 8:52 AM, Blogger ylmurph said…

    Jane Curtain was never funny! You're just glamorizing the past...go back and watch some of those episodes.

    I'm with Candyce - last week's was great. I'm not with her on the Horation skit though. The ditzy-demanding couple (the A-holes skit) is beautiful!

    I heard an interview with a few of the old school players and they nwere marveling at all of the things they do now. They said, "we never would have worked out a dance cheerleading skit - we just didn't put that much effort into it"

    there were some classic moments, but the thing with old snl was it's innovation, but it doesn't hold up any more

  • At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i just need you to move here

  • At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry Murph...I totally disagree with you! But again I am old....or maybe I am trying to re-live my high school years!

  • At 1:41 PM, Blogger jmjana said…

    ok you guys all know more about the SNL happenenings than I do...
    but Candyce, the sushi thing was so NOT funny BUT the ditzy-demanding people was realllly funny. that was the only part i think I even smiled at - and it doesn't take much for me to crack up laughing!
    i think maybe some of the stuff might be over my head ;) sean can i watch it with you when i am co-habiting your house?


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