i feel like...

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


ok here are some of my REAL faves...
jk love you steffy :)

ashbobash and kelso - two of my fave altoids

jill me and katy visiting "the ghetto"

stef and i being fake in this pic with jill because we HATE the other person's team
she's such a band wagon jumper - we DID go to college with Ben...
jk - we all know who won that game though

my best friends in La Toona - tiff and jules

katy stef and me at one of the best places on earth - ROCKBRIDGE!

annabelle and grif dawg :)

me and stef - this pic kinda shows our personalities :)

thanks for being the BEST friends in the world guys!!! more to come when i get my other pics!!!! i only had a few on my comp, so just you wait if you weren't up here yet!
have a GREAT day!


  • At 10:08 AM, Blogger ylmurph said…

    I think your blog's not working properly...it deleted my picture

  • At 11:00 AM, Blogger jmjana said…

    they don't allow mullets on blogs. its against their policy. so it must have deleted your mullet pic. sorry!


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