i feel like...

Monday, May 05, 2008


Today I was trying to find something I wrote in my blog a few months ago (which wasn't that hard, cause its been a while since I've written anything) and it made me want to go back and read stuff that I wrote.  So, I got home from Justin's, got in bed, and just started reading.  I only read through like four months and stopped in August 2006, so Im no where close to being done, but it was really interesting.  

A LOT can happen in a pretty short time.  And I forget parts of my life really easily, which I'm sure has some deeper meaning.  Sawah Woche thinks that I have a pot smoker's brain because I forget everything, and I am thinking she is on the right track after reading through my thoughts and realizing that I forgot about a lot of the stuff that happened in the past few years.  

Its really interesting to me how much situations and people change too.  At the beginning of my blog writing days, I lived in Altoona.  Altoona seems like an eternity ago and it was really only like a year and a half.   I didn't have a job in Cincy - I have a great job.  A lot of posts were about being single and dating and marriage and all that, which I had no clue about any of it, and have now learned a ton in dating this great guy and having this really great relationship.  I still have a lot of the same questions about what it really means to love God and glorify him, but I'd like to think that I have matured in some of that as well.  

Im not sure what the point in this post is.  I guess Im just all thrown off because of how life is different, yet parts are the same, and how life can change so quickly, but not at all as well.  

What I do love is that I am still crazy in love with the people that I wrote about in the past, AND I am crazy in love with some pretty incredible newbies as well.  Life is definitely pretty cool in that sense.


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